Attention homeowners, here's the secret your mortgage lender doesn't want you to know;
  • After paying 15 years on your 30 year mortgage, you'll still owe 90% of the amount you borrowed.
  • After paying nearly 24 years, you'll still owe over 50%
  • You'll pay over 3 times the amount you originally borrowed before paying off your mortgage.

For many Americans, there maybe a simple and yet underutilized option:
Bi-weekly mortgage payments. Doing this funds transfer to debit the homeowner’s account every two weeks not twice per month.

There is a difference.

Over a year that is an extra mortgage payment and for the course of a 30 year mortgage at 10.5% you can eliminate 112 payments!
The National Council of Saving Institutions says “Bi-weekly payments are ‘pro-consumer’because they correspond to America’s paydays making mortgage payments much easier for home owners.”

Many institutions can charge close to $400 for this service but many homeowners do not know that they can easily set this up themselves at no charge! Using the Mortgage Manager tm software you can;

  • Save Thousands of Dollars On Your Home Mortgage Without Increasing Your Payment!
  • Track Your Savings And Audit Your Loan To Find Lender Mistakes Which Occur About 50% Of The Time According To The FDIC!
  • Shorten Your 30 year Mortgage By 7-15 Years Without Refinancing!

If you are interested in this service or to have a printed mortgage savings analysis mailed to you at no charge contact The Office of Anthony Detry, 172 5th Ave. #2 Brooklyn, NY 11217. Send your mailing address and information on how to get started will be sent to you. You can also e-mail your shipping address to and note “Mortgage Savings Help-Blogger” in your subject line.

Again getting started is simple and free. You don't have to pay any fees to start bi-weekly mortgage payments. With our service you'll set it up automatically. Set it and forget it. Once you receive and return the infomation a cd will be shipped to you. You just pay a nominal shipping fee of $4.00. You pop the cd into your computer follow the directions and start saving. There is a customer support line if needed as well.

Realtors, insurance agents, decorators, painters, remoldeling companies, if you come in contact with homeowners you can use this as a free upsell tool as well. With the fierce competition in your industry, this software is an excellent incentive to be used by you to acquire more customers. For example with every order over $50 dollars (you can determine the price point) you can offer this as a free gift. So if someone was spending $35 they may be inclined to spend another $15 for a free gift that will save them thousands in the long haul. Or you can just offer a free gift as a part of your service!

The software takes the homeowner through a full presention and explains everything to the homeowner so you would not have to, simply give them a fee software disk.

Brochures or the discs themselves maybe provided at no cost to you.
Again contact

Another tip for homeowners that you can utilize if you have the funds is to pay an extra 1/12th of your monthly payment each month...

For example if your payment is $1,000 pay $1,084
(1,000 divided by 12 = 83.33) after 12 months you'll have made the equivalent of an extra months payment. This does require a little more money but the end results are the same.

You can use also use your income tax refund or if you get a bonus at work apply it to the principal on your mortgage.

Think about how much 112 mortgage payments come up to. Now think about how great it would be for you to eliminate those 112 payments on your mortgage and use that monthly payment for something else? Something you want. An investment, vacation, children's college education? By taking advantage of the bi-weekly mortgage payment you can take control of your finances now!